What is Allergy Patch Testing?

Allergies can be more than just inconvenient; for many, they’re a serious health concern that can affect day-to-day living. If you’ve struggled with unexplained eczema like rashes, or skin...

What is Eczema?

While there are several types of eczema, the most common is atopic eczema (atopic dermatitis). This is a skin condition that causes the itchy, dry and cracked skin associated with eczema. Anyone can d...

What is a Sebaceous cyst?

A sebaceous cyst can grow almost anywhere on your skin, but is typically found on the face, scalp, neck, or torso. They are a round dome-shaped bump, just under the skin surface. Some are yellow or wh...

Is it worth seeing a private Dermatologist?

If you are concerned or worried about any type of skin condition from an odd shaped mole or eczema, to psoriasis or acne, then a visit to a private dermatologist could be the answer. Additionally, if ...

What causes eczema?

As professional dermatologists, this is often a question we get asked when consulting with clients who have eczema. Unfortunately, it’s a challenging one to answer, as the causes of eczema are not tot...

How to remove skin tags?

What are skin tags? Skin tags are growths on the skin, and while usually small they can be up to 5cm in width. A typical skin tag is soft, skin coloured or brown and will be raised or protrude from th...

What is a wart?

Whilst warts are very common and totally harmless, they can be itchy, annoying and embarrassing, depending on where the wart is located on your body. Technically, dermatologists come across two main t...

What is a Dermatologist?

Dermatologists are doctors who specifically diagnose, investigate, treat, and manage skin conditions and diseases, such as moles, skin cancer, eczema, psoriasis and acne. Additionally, dermatologists ...

Is excessive hair growth crippling your self confidence?

Excessive hair growth, also known as Hirsutism, can cripple self-confidence. The normal amount of body hair for women varies. Most of the time, a woman only has fine hair, or peach fuzz, above the lip...

What is Hyperhidrosis? (Excessive sweating)

Hyperhidrosis is the term for excessive sweating, which occurs mainly on the hands, feet, underarms, but can affect all areas of the body. Many people with this condition experience social embarrassme...